Saturday, April 30, 2011


Materials depend on each other to create a space.

For every light there is an equal and opposite darkness.

Perception of a structure changes over time.
A myriad of materials creates a more dynamic structure.
Complicated elements start with simple elements.

The best approach to solve a problem is through collaboration.

Perception of a structure changes over time(FREUD) +
Complicated elements start with simple elements(AGNESI)=
Sometimes a complex structure with simple elements could be perceived as simple one. 

Materials depend on each other to create a space (NEWTON) + The best approach to solve a problem is through collaboration (FREUD) = The best approach to create a space is achieving the collaboration of materails.
A myriad of materials creates a more dynamic structure (AGNESI) +  For every light there is an equal and opposite darkness (NEWTON) =  For every stcucture there is an oppsite negative space.

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